I’m Carmen Balacianu
Executive and Leardership Coach
Accompanying You on Your Path to Transformation
About Me
I am an accredited executive coach by the International Coaching Federation with 15+ years of experience in leadership positions in various industries worldwide. I have a career and life considered by many as successful and rewarding. I was admired and loved by some and secretly envied by a few.
Yet, behind the mask of successes and smiles I was constantly stressed, insecure, reactive, and disconnected from my inner wisdom. Life gave me a wonderful gift in a form of a burnout. This experience not only saved my life but also, connected me back to my life purpose: to put myself in service of people and accompany them on their own journeys of transformation with compassion, patience and love.
About You
You are a highly successful leader carrying a secret. You have achieved a great deal in life, have lived the perfect life and have picture perfect stories to share. Yet, despite all that, deep down you are unsatisfied, unfulfilled and constantly burnt out.
Sometimes you feel stuck in your career and struggle to see the way to move forward without jeopardizing the security and the recognition you have created. You hold back from fulfilling your passion and purpose, so you don’t lose what you worked so hard to achieve. Although, you have achieved a lot in your life you still believe your success has happened by chance.
You recognize something has to change and you are ready to ask for support to embark on your journey of transformation. You are committed to your own growth and development and you will take steps forward in the direction you choose both personally and professionally.

Listen to your heart. Connect with the inner source of wisdom. Recognize, honor and listen to the voice of your intuition. Ground yourself firmly into security, confidence, safety and LOVE!

Identify what is really important to you. Build a clear vision of your desired future. Learn how to stay focus on the actions which bring you closer to your desired goals. Make decisions with confidence and ease.

Dream BIG and set BOLD goals! Get out of your comfort zone and shatter self imposed boundaries. Stay committed to your vision of the future. Remember: If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

Ask yourself: What would you do if you were not afraid? Be courageous and make the changes which will transform your life! Change yourself to change your world!
Helping You Achieve Success
Unlock Your Full Potential. Unlock the Potential of your TEAM & your ORGANIZATION
Gain clarity about your unique values, strengths and authentic brand of leadership.
Gain deeper self-awareness by examining obstacles, limiting beliefs, blind spots and triggers
Increase leadership capacity by practicing new skills in a safe and trustworthy environment
Develop strategies and carry out action plans for achieving new daring objectives
What is Coaching?
Who is Coaching For?
Coaching is partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.
The coaching process can help you improve your outlook on work and life, while improving
your leadership skills and unlocking your potential.
What results can you expect from coaching?
Increasing self-esteem & self-confidence
Enhanced work/life balance
A deeper sense of knowing yourself
Optimized work performance
Accelerated on-boarding into a new professional role
Increased career opportunities
Improved time management
Enhanced decision making process
Improved business management strategies
Why should you partner with me?
Do you find yourself at a cross-road? Do you need clarity in which direction to go? Do you want to take advantage of an opportunity or tackle an important challenge? Do you feel “stuck” or “lost” on the path to achieving your goals? Do you believe there’s something more to discover in your personal or professional journey? If you answered yes, let’s talk. Through a discovery session we can both decide if partnering together will benefit you.
What is systemic coaching?
Systemic coaching is an approach developed to achieve breakthrough results in personal and professional arenas of life. The systemic coaching approach emphasizes intricate connectivity between system such as individual, family, team, organization, country, etc. My role as a coach is to challenge the initial frame of reference and to broaden up your spectrum to help you see things from systemic perspectives. This includes identifying and working with pattern resonances that emerge, behavioral and emotional impulses, quickly interrupting repetitive emotional, informative or behavioral habits in order to immediately respond with appropriate powerful questioning or personal sharing. Through this process you will modify your own core being, paradigm, perceptions, behaviors, definitions and apparent limits of reality.
Are the coaching sessions confidential?
Our coaching relationship will be founded upon mutual respect and trust. The central focus of the coaching relationship is your well-being. I will always hold the coaching conversations to be confidential and will not reveal any aspect of the coaching relationship to any outside party without your express written consent. I will abide by and uphold the ethical guidelines, codes of practice and professional behavior of the coaching profession as defined by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
What is my coaching approach?
I start from the premise you are intelligent, creative, introspective and intuitive. You know best your situation and what you want to achieve as an individual. Through coaching I will accompany you in your dialogue on the topics of your choice. I will provide you the space and time to think deeply about important topics. I will enhance your frame of mind through thought-provoking and creative questions. This will inspire you to dig deep into your consciousness, unlock your potential and allow solutions and answers to emerge.
Coaching Programs

Focus on Yourself

Nurture Relationships

Lead from the Heart

Transform your Life
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you can control your attitude toward what happens to you.”
Brian Tracy
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