About Me
Hi, I’m Carmen! I am here to accompany you on your journey of transformation The question is: Are you ready?
My Story
Most people know me for my rising star education and business career. I have a stellar education from top universities and an MBA from a university ranked among the best 10 in the world. At graduation from the MBA, I was selected out of hundreds of candidates to join Roche’s prestigious Perspectives program, a global leadership program aimed to grow and groom the next generation of leaders at Roche. And I did not disappoint. In less than 5 years I was the first women under 40’s to join the Board of Directors of the largest division of Roche Diagnostics. All this while I was newly married and pregnant with my first daughter. I was considered a talent, a high potential, and my career track was set to reach the stars.
What most people don’t know, is that the rising star turned into a shooting star. As they say, “the higher you climb, the harder you fall”. And that is exactly what I thought it happened. I had a severe burnout and fell into a major depression. Little that I know, it was actually one of the best things that could have happened to me. The “break down” was needed in order to slow me down and reconnect to what was most important: my authentic self. In the race after money, power and fame I got disconnected from my values, my purpose and my inner balance. I now know, that what I considered once a burnout, it was in fact a spiritual awakening. This experience not only saved my life, but also, connected me back to my life purpose: to put myself in service of people and accompany them on their own journeys of transformation, with courage, compassion and connection.
Even fewer people know that I didn’t not choose coaching, coaching chose me. I joined Alain Cardon’s school of systemic coaching by coincidence. I know now there is no such thing as a coincidence! Through executive systemic coaching I learned to create reflective silence, to listen from the heart, to see beyond the stories and become aware of the systemic energies, relationships and interactions. I deepened my knowledge on energy by taking on Pránanadi® studies, an ancient Tibetan method of self-development and healing. In this process I learned to heal my physical body, to connect deeper within, to rediscover the value of silence, stillness, balance, compassion and connection. Ever since I practice and strive to achieve a more conscious way of life.
Just a handful of people know that I was born in communist Romania and I had a rather humble beginning, like the majority of children born in that “golden era”. At the at the age of 21, I took life in my own hands and made a courageous, or rather crazy decision to immigrate on my own to USA. I was searching for a place to start a new life and search for new opportunities. I left my home country with only two suitcases in my hands and a few dollars in my pocket. I started to work my way from the bottom up, studying during the day and working during the night. Every day I practiced visualization, setting the intentions for what I wanted to achieve, working my way up the career ladder. Perseverance, resilience and hard work served me well and propelled me on the career path I am today.
I have so much gratitude for the experiences I lived through, for the lessons I learned and for the relationships I formed. I am so grateful the universe provides us with guidance and I accept it with humility and respect. Life is a wonderful journey and I am fortunate to have found my path, fortunate to have lost it and found it again. Everything happens for a reason and there’s a lesson in it, if we are open to acknowledge it.
My 3Cs
I believe in walking the talk, in being true to one self, in being whole and undivided. I strive to practice courage by standing up for who I am, showing my true self vulnerably to the world, unavailing my imperfections and being real. I perceive courage as integrity between the mind, the heart, the gut and the soul.
In my opinion, compassion flourishes in the land of non-judgmental thinking and unconditional love. I seek to continuously increase self love, love for my family, my friends, my clients and the world. I see compassion and love as the antidote to fear and suffering. Compassion helps me to move gently towards the dark, scary places of the mind, uncover them and bring them into the light of acceptance and love.
I perceive connection as an energy that flows between people when we feel heard, seen, acknowledged and valued. I believe we all need connection to thrive emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually. Connection is about building relationships from the heart. It gives me a sense of belonging to something greater than myself. It is about listening deeply, sharing vulnerably, observing closely and reflecting back empathically.
My Approach
I start from the premise you know your situation best. Deep inside you know the answers you are seeking. My role is to accompany you in your dialogue, to provide you the space and the time to go to the core of your challenges, to enhance your frame of mind through thought-provoking questions, and to inspire you to dig deep into your consciousness and allow solutions and answers to emerge.
I aim to reconnect you with your inner source of wisdom, to identify what is really important to you and guide you to build a clear vision of your desired future. I will challenge you to come out of your comfort zone and shatter self-imposed boundaries. I will hold you accountable to your desired goals and remind you to be courageous and make the changes which will transform your life!
A little bit more about me
“I rely on my own experience in complex transformational and leadership change, to accompany my clients on their own transformational journeys.”
Business Expertise and Education
I am seasoned business leader with 15+ years of experience in Pharma, Banking and High-Tech industries across Europe, Asia, South America and the US. I started from the bottom and worked my way up, leading in large multinational companies such as Roche, Johnson & Johnson and HSBC. In my last corporate position, I worked for Roche Diagnostic, where I held the position of global Senior Vice President of Marketing, reporting to the CEO of Diagnostics.
I am passionate about Women in Leadership and Diversity and Inclusion. In my last corporate role, I co-founded Women@RDI (Roche Diagnostics International) to promote gender equality and women in leadership. I am also a member of ADVANCE Women in Swiss Business and Women Rock Switzerland.
I hold a first class BA degree in Global Business and Finance from the University of Portland, in the US, and a bilingual English-Spanish MBA from IESE Business School of Barcelona, Spain, ranked among top 10 in the world.
I accompany leaders and aspiring leaders in pharma, banking and financial services industries. Some of my clients are accomplished entrepreneurs. They have achieved a great deal in life, have lived the “perfect lives” and have “picture perfect” stories to share. Yet, despite all that deep down they are unsatisfied, unfulfilled and constantly burned out.
I rely on my experience in complex transformational and leadership change, to accompany my clients on their own transformational journeys. I help them navigate change with ease, while developing personal resilience and accessing personal resources.
My passion is to work with women leaders with high achieving personality profiles who aspire to reach their potential, while maintaining a sense of balance at home and at work.
Coaching Qualifications
I am a Leadership and Executive coach certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), holding the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) accreditation. I have trained under world renowned master coaches such as Alain Cardon and Marion Franklin, both Master Certified Coaches (MCC) with the ICF. I have been a student of Magali Peysha the Cofounder of Robbins-Madanes Training.
In addition, I have completed numerous leadership coaching training’s led by the Leadership Circle, Advance Gender Equality in Business and Center of Creative Leadership, just to name a few.
Learning and self-development is my passion. I am a lifetime learner excited to continue this amazing journey of exploration and growth called life.
Coaching specialties:
Executive & Leadership Coaching
High Performance Coaching
Change Leadership
Stress Management
Enhanced Decision Making
Resilience and Burnout Coaching
Global mindset: worked in 8 countries over 4 continents
Cross cultural competence: over 20 years living outside my home country of origin, managed team of people from over 50 countries worldwide
Multilingual: English, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German.